Manistique's Grandstand, Track and Field

The grandstand, football field and track were built in 1937. The grandstand is beyond economical renovation. It is past the time to replace the grandstand and renovate the track and field.

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west track view 1
A view that shows why part of the raised land, along the western track boundary, must be removed to expand the track and field area in a westerly direction.
west track view 2
A view of the west side of the track and football field showing the raised western boundary from which additional real estate may be obtained. A new and larger track is required to meet sanctioned competition rules and to provide a regulation sized track upon which Schoolcraft County student athletes can practice.
track west expansion area
A view of the western boundary area, part of which would be removed to accommodate a regulation sized track that would meet modern high school athletics curriculum requirements.
concession stand
The concession stand offers little in the way of facilities, content, display and security. A cheap carnival concession trailer offers more. Done right, it would pay for itself.
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